Wombat Berry – Eustrephus latifolius



An adaptable fast growing twining vine that can also grow in a clump if not supported, or used as a ground cover. It has fringed white to pink small flowers in spring followed by orange berries through winter. Birds like the berries, and the tuberous roots are eaten by creatures such as wombats, hence the common name. It is a useful climber as it is not overly rampant, will reach around 6 metres high and wide. Can grow in sun but best in part shade, tolerates light frost, most soil types. The tuberous roots can be eaten either raw or cooked, with an earthy taste

Family: Philesiaceae
Scientific Name: Eustrephus latifolius
Common Name: Wombat Berry
Plant Type: Ground cover, Climber
Height: 3 ~ 6 metres
Width: 2 ~ 6 metres
Flower Colour: White, Pink
Flowering Time: Spring
Ph Level: Acid, Neutral
Soil Type: Sandy, Clay, Loamy, Sandy loam, Clay loam
Plant Environment: Courtyard, Poolside, Container growing
Climate Zone: Tropical, Sub-tropical, Warm temperate, Mediterranean
Light: Sunny, Light shade, Half shade
Growth Habit: Evergreen
Lifespan: Perennial
Soil Moisture: Dry, Well-drained, Moist moderate drainage
Propagation Method: Seed
Frost Tolerance: Tolerates light frost
Plant Usage: Groundcover, Screen
Special Uses: Decorative fruit
Attracts Wildlife: Seed eating birds, Mammals

Additional information

Weight N/A
Pot Size

140mm, 200mm – In store purchase only, Tube Stock