IndigiGrow is a charity and 100% Aboriginal owned, run and staffed not for profit native plant nursery. with 6 local young Aboriginal apprentices, IndigiGrow is providing solutions for our young people by creating and sustaining meaningful, culturally appropriate jobs. By doing this we are able to pass on traditional plant knowledge and give these young people skills for life.
By donating to us you are helping us build capacity to provide more young people with opportunities our current apprentices have. We also encourage our young staff to gain further skills by supporting them to gain their drivers licences and get them lessons where they are unable to get lessons otherwise.
So far 3 have gained their licences and are now doing plant deliveries in the local area.
There are so many young local Aboriginal people who have been inspired by these apprentices and have asked if we could provide them with a job too but sadly without the resources and capacity we have to reluctantly say no most of the time.
BSB: 032257
Account Number: 448181
All donations are tax deductible